Exclusively for heart-and-soul-centered women coaches, healers & holistic practitioners...
How to Attract & Enroll
a Steady Stream
of High-End Clients
You Love 
(With integrity, and without feeling guilty,
working too much or losing your soul)
FREE MasterClass
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Join us for this free masterclass
and discover...

The exact 5 steps our clients are using to create a steady stream of high-end clients and income in their coaching and holistic wellness practices, without working too much or getting exhausted.

The 4 biggest mistakes heart-and-soul-centered women coaches and holistic practitioners make that sabotage their success and their confidence.
The best tech choices to make your life waaay easier, increase your income and give you more free time.
How to create more abundance while being spiritual and authentic, so that you have more freedom ... to travel, and to take better care of yourself and your loved ones.
The real reason you don't need any more certifications or a perfect website... and why you should not be wasting your time, energy and money right now on blogs, podcasts, writing a book, trying to figure out facebook ads, or going to networking meetings you don't really like.
How to attract clients you love, who value what you do and pay you what you're truly worth.
How to stand in your Wise Woman Power, feel more Confident, and bring more healing, love and awakening to your clients and this planet starting now.
Shayla Mihaly
Shayla Mihaly teaches heart-and-soul-centered women coaches and holistic practitioners how to attract high-end clients you love, and create more freedom in your life while serving deeply and living your Soul's purpose.

An empath, introvert and healer all her life, Shayla has had a formal spiritual and meditation practice since 1981. After creating almost every mistake imaginable (often more than once), Shayla went on to create multi six-figure businesses in person and online, and has helped thousands of clients create more abundance, wellness and freedom.
©2023 Shayla Mihaly  